While each client is unique, I use a roadmap to help me create the most effective strategy for each client. If you decide to work with me, here is what you can expect: 

I N I T I A L   M E E T I N G 

I meet with each client to learn about your business, your goals, and any past or future marketing initiatives. This fact-finding meeting helps me to create a unique strategy that fits your business. I’ll also discuss all the various ways ConfidentVANTAGE may be able to help your business, discussing various services and tools I have available. 

S T R A T E G Y   &   S C H E D U L E 

I will create a social media strategy that focuses on marketing goals for the business. This will include a sample schedule with posts and graphics so that each client can make adjustments to the visual presentation as well as content. This vital step helps me align with the business goals and allows you to be confident in the perception I create for your business. 

T I M E L I N E : This typically takes between 1 – 3 weeks depending on client availability and response time. I value a collaborative approach in order to ensure brand alignment with each client so it’s vital that communication lines are open. 

*Each client must start with this step.

O N G O I N G   M A N A G E M E N T 

After the first two steps, I will create posts in line with the social media strategy, gain approval, and post on a regular basis. I also respond appropriately to messages, comments, and content shares to ensure positive messaging and brand alignment. Since each client has unique needs, I have a few standard investment levels as well as the opportunity to create a customized approach. 

S O C I A L  M E D I A  P L A T F O R M S

Content Packages (Real Estate Only)

If you’re a “do-it-yourself” type real estate agent who is just looking for a bit of extra support, this option may be for you.

You can purchase one of my customizable real estate packages which come complete with either 52 or 104 posts tailored to you.

The packages include graphics (branded with your colors, fonts, logos, contact info, and headshot), post captions, hashtags, and more – Everything you need to copy and paste into your social platform. You can purchase the package and “do it yourself,” by scheduling the posts into each of your social platforms. Or you can hire me to schedule them for a 1x investment.



  • 104 posts – content only // $750.00
  • 104 posts – content + Scheduling (no active management) // $1,500.00
  • 52 posts – content only // $500
  • 52 posts – content + Scheduling (no active management) // $1,000.00